Let's talk about the production process, and how tens of thousands of hours of experience take a podcast to the next level of elite production.
Editing in action, albeit a little sped up!
Audio examples of the RPS magic in action...
Listen to these before and after example of an interview that we produced for Hollywood casting director, Eric Dawson. This was recorded on Zoom in a regular untreated office, using the built in microphone on Eric's laptop.
Utilizing a combination of finely tuned, forensic audio manipulation and advanced AI tools, it's possible to take audio recorded in almost any situation, and make it sound like it was produced in a professional recording studio.
Judge for yourself with the examples below...
Judge for yourself with the examples below...
Original Zoom Audio
Audio enhanced by RPS
The podcast needs a home (hosting) and that home needs an address (RSS feed). We set all of this up so that when each new episode is uploaded it is automatically distributed to all of the popular podcast players, and appears - as if by magic- to all of your subscribers.
To start your podcasting journey send us a message to discuss your podcasting ambitions.